ok, this is it...i strongly feel, my best piece to date. i especially became a personal fan of the last para, especially the last line (sorry fr the drippin narcissism :P)...iambic and trochaic rhythm and all that have gone for one BIG toss in this one, but i don't really care...in case anyone is wondering, yes its inspired by 'fear of a blank planet'...my work will continually be influenced my porcupine tree's lines, themes and ideas, get over it :P...hope ya'll like this one...
A wisp of light, I grope around for life,
In a world where anything can be got.
Serene outside, within me is the strife,
Everyday a losing battle is fought.
The anti-depressants course through my veins,
As I lay numb and wasted in that shady alley.
They keep me constant through the suns and the rains,
My new phone responds to human touch better than me.
When did I last feel joy, anger or pain?
When did I last feel anything at all?
Within this shell of a body that I maintain,
Where was the heart's flutter, whether big or small?
Drown myself in the pills, I hide behind the smoke,
Burning the bridges connected to the ones who care.
Afraid now, to feel, afraid what it will evoke,
I'm losing my way on my journey to nowhere.
It is the age of instant gratification, a self-absorbed generation,
Where a desire is fulfilled even before the yearn has begun,
The age of ignorance, in this explosion of information,
So much more knowledge, but so few have an opinion.
The music drones silently in my ear,
As I count the endless days and months by.
An urge for emotion is aroused with the passing years,
One that even sensual pleasures cannot satisfy.
And so, in this world with everything, but nothing,
Surrounded by people, I stumble alone, somehow.
If this, my only companion being me, is living,
Where are those advocates of human rights right now??
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