Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One dark night- Part 1

The frequency of writing has been woeful. But now with the pesky exams outta the way :P, hopefully I can change that. Here's a story I wrote recently. Felt very nice to write this one. Hope ya'll like it and can understand what I'm trying to convey. It wasn't easy writing this one. 

Business was good. I was in the one profession that did not know recession, that never had a slack in demand. As long as little boys would need a place to lose their innocence, perverted youths would need a practicing ground, and married men would need their demands satisfied, our business would run. As long as the male animal’s veins would run with unending lust, our impartial trade would have its arms open to all. I always marvel at how, no matter how much they are given, men always come back for more.

There are the first timers, full of excitement but equally nervous. They need to be guided around, and they don’t get a hang of things until the first few times. You want to make sure though, that their ignorance does not cost you. On the other end there are the married adulterers. All the experience of marriage combined with its frustrations, so they know what to do and want it real bad. Their first digression from their wives always has them being very furtive and guilty about it. But I’ve seen that flame of guilt in their eyes reduce slowly over time, as their marriage dies over time. I see it in their eyes when I’m staring at them as they’re over or under me. I stare so I don’t have to think too much, for madness lies that way. I hate the fact that somewhere I too am responsible for that, and I hate men for being this way. But hey it’s a living.

Then there are the regulars and the deviants. They come back for more, and ask for outlandish things to be done with them, demands getting more twisted by the day. But essentially men are simple. There’s a very specific button that you have to press and he will never return dissatisfied. I am even on first name terms with a few of them, and know exactly what they like done. That does not mean that I’ve built any kind of relation with them. No. Apart from a couple of my colleagues, I have no friends, no family, and no ties with this world. My emotions are non-existent and my tears have dried up. You do what we do, see society in its barest and most ruthless form for so long, and you either have to shut off your mind and soul to all of it or risk losing them.

But then one night I met him.

Business was slow that day. It was Diwali and many were with their families, their parents or their friends. A few of us had gone to the temple, bought a new dress for ourselves, and tried to celebrate it as best we could. I had bought myself a new book; I do that every year. Someday I wish to educate myself enough to get out of all this. That day will never come I know. But even a foolish wish costs you nothing. Or perhaps everything.

I was sitting by the side of the road, near the pan shop, dragging on a cigarette. A saw a man approach me. He was of medium height and build. An unremarkable face, except for eyes that seemed to gleam with intelligence. He did not look like he belonged here. Nonetheless I got up and walked towards him too.    

‘How much?’ he asked me. He cringed right after saying that, realizing how bad that had sounded. It was evident that he didn’t do this a lot, but I didn’t mind what he said. He was sorry. Men have treated me worse and have been unapologetic about it.

‘It’s hundred for the hour. Extra if you want things other than the usual.’

He looked at me for a moment. ‘Is it?’ He asked. ‘All right, one hour. Follow me, I have a place nearby.’
I walked five paces behind him as he guided me to his room. Then, looking around to see who was watching, I entered. He followed right after me. He closed the door and turned to face me.

‘All right then, let’s get started?’ I asked, reaching for my hook.

‘Please sit down. I, uh, have something else to ask you.’ He continued once I sat down. ‘How much would you charge me for the night?’

I got up instantly, alarmed. I’d had such an experience before. Right then I had thought it was a deal I couldn't let go. Someone was paying for an entire night, so there was assured income. But it had turned out to be a nightmare as the man had done all sorts of things to me. That incident gave me a first glimpse at the monsters that disguised themselves so well in society.

I walked up to this man and asked him in a harsh tone. ‘Why what’s the idea?’

He looked at me for a very long time, trying to gauge my thoughts. In time he saw my alarm, he realized what kind of person I thought he was. This seemed to hurt him, for he looked down, and when he looked up again, there were tears in his eyes. I was surprised.

‘I don’t want to do anything with you. I will not harm you in any way. I just needed company for the night. The loneliness is getting to me.’ Tears flowed a little more freely from his eyes. ‘I know, it must seem weird. You must be thinking, “Doesn’t he have a family, or friends? Why has he come to me when he’s lonely?” Aren’t you?’

I nodded faintly, but said nothing.

‘My family has forsaken me. I am their prodigal child’, he said, with a smile playing at his lips. ‘And sure, I know people and meet them often, but I cannot call these people friends. People, who laugh at me behind my back, people who judge me. I live by myself, and I have no complaints about it. But sometimes I just get lonely. Tonight it got to me. I just wanted to be with someone who wouldn’t judge. Who would just be. But your eyes just spoke otherwise. I’m sorry. I’ll pay you for the hour, you can go.’

I got up slowly. My mind was in a tizzy. Never in the many years that I had been doing this, had anyone ever come across this way. Of all the men I’d met, few even bothered to ask my name, let alone talk about anything other than what they wanted to do. I did not know how to respond to a man seeking my companionship and nothing more. A man who looked at me as a person and not a body. It was disconcerting. I did not know how I could not possibly comfort him; my empathy and compassion had long been stifled to death. But I decided to trust this man.

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