'That's my man' said Vin, not sure whether to be happy or worried that Sid had agreed to search for the answer to their lives, which was under a certain rock, as told by the flying cow that had almost killed them. He decided to go with the flow.
'Let's go then, 7th cross.' They broke off into a jog, running on the pavement beside the road, drawing curious glances from the others, two old-looking boys, with their bags flapping behind them. They made their way to the 7th cross and set themselves to the task of counting the 7th tree. If there were indeed seven stones under that tree, then there would be some thinking for the two of them to do. As of now, they were just heeding the cow's words for want of anything better to do.
They found the 7th tree and indeed there were seven distinct rocks strewn around it. They could not believe their eyes and immediately set to prying aside the first rock from the right. Sid could not contain himself.
'Dude that flying-cow thing was right man. But, but what the hell is happening here? What are we hoping to find here man? I mean this could be just any rock, and I mean, I still can't believe a cow just spoke to me. I mean, I mean, what the FU-'
He could not complete his sentence, because at that exact moment, two very big stray dogs pounced upon them and pushed them away from the rock. They then stood guarding it, flashing rows of very sharp teeth at Vin and Sid, daring them to come any closer. Vin and Sid stared at them for a few seconds, not knowing what was happening. Then the dog to the left spoke up.
'What do you think you're doin 'ere sonny?' It had a thick cockney accent, and spoke with a lazy drawl, obviously in no hurry. There was a growling tone to its voice, seeing as it was, at the end of the day, a dog.
Sid had had enough of a day of talking animals telling him what to do, and hence his mind refused to respond, throwing one of its tantrums.Vin was more accommodating, or perhaps his brain was slower to respond to the newer developments they were encountering. The other dog chose this moment to speak up.
'Marty's askin you a question there. 'Ow about you answer him eh?'
Vin stammered, words tumbling out of his mouth before he knew it. When he would be asked to reflect upon this moment in the future, Vin would merely say he was thinking about why the product of pressure and volume was proportional to the temperature in an ideal gas. Your CET teachings would come to haunt you only in moments of extreme shock, apparently.
'Well there was this cow that came flying at us sir, it told us the answer to our lives and our problems were buried under this rock', he said pointing to the rock they had dug up. 'And so we thought we'd come and check it out. You see, our lives are going to be a taking a turn for the worse tomorrow, and we wanted to do something to change that.'
After a poignant pause, in which the dogs considered their answer (and Sid would berate himself forever for phrasing it thus), they seemed to smile with something that resembled benevolence, and Marty spoke up.
'Oh I see. So you've spoken to Harold then. All right then. But I need you to do this fer me. Answer this riddle and I'll let you pass. Who do we know as Broda?'
'What?!' Just as he was coming to terms with the fact that he was being questioned by a cockney dog, the riddle was a bolt from the blue for him. What the hell was a Broda?
'Oh and did we mention that if you answer wrongly, Marty'll rip yer throat out' the second dog stated, as if were discussing yesterday's weather with them.
Sid gulped. The word Broda stirred some deep, long forgotten memory. Something he'd seen or heard. And then the answer struck him. His brain was in a tussle.
No way, too ridiculous to be the answer
Do you know any other answer?
But this can't be it
Yes it is
'Uh are you by any chance talking about Barney Stinson, the time when he tells Marshall he's like Yoda, only he's like a bro, and therefore Broda?'
There was a long silence, in which Vin looked at him, ready to high-five him if he were right, and to hit if he weren't. The hesitant voice in Sid's head shouted, 'Ha! I told you so!' and then whimpered, 'Oh damn, we're screwed'.
The dogs nodded their head, and then bounded around joyfully, expressing their approval and joy.
'So you watch 'Ow I Met Your Mother too eh boy? Man that Barney Stinson's the man I tell ya. 'E really is! Anyways, you can pass. Muck around if you want. We'll be right 'ere if you want us, and if you're free, we can watch an episode or two eh?' Marty winked at him and the two of them trotted away.
By now Vin and Sid had been hardened to all the talking and winking and ukulele playing that the animals could throw at them, so they weren't shocked anymore. The fact that the dogs watched that show wasn't surprising either. It was that good, wasn't it?
So anyways...they got back to getting the rock and soon struck upon a small metal box, upon which were engraved the words, 'The answers to Vin and Sid's problems'
They hurriedly took out the box and read the note that was placed in it. I won't try to build up the suspense by writing long sentences here. To get to the point, it simply said:
'Sorry for the inconvenience. You guys are screwed.'
They both sat down heavily upon the ground, not doubting the veracity of the note, accepting that they were done for. Sid fired up at Vin.
'Well so much for your theory. Go God, apparently. I say fu-'
He woke up with a jerk. Sid was in his bed, at home. There were no talking animals, no hidden answers. He still had the CET test in a few hours, and he still had one chapter left, but the rest of it was fine. He got ready for the day and left his house on time. On the way he stared at a cat that did something that had looked suspiciously like winking at him. He ignored and made his way to the exam hall.
When he got the paper, and went through it, he knew that in some way or the other, that message in his dream had been true. He was sure he was not going to do well. So what now?
Go God?...oh well, fuck...
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