Saturday, May 15, 2010

Manufractured family

the word jus popped in my head, n i wanted to write this down, tho its all fabricated, no inspiration from anyone's experience here :P...its more in the format of a song, (lesser lines, not TOO much imagery, n relatively simpler language) since i want us (OMS) to do this, once we're done with covers :)...n to explain the word- by manufracture, i mean something that is artificial, synthesized, but eventually something that is broken, tarnished...hope ya'll like it..

A fractured mind, and a fragile home,
Where every bit of joy is one on loan.
I welcome you to my household,
With its sheen, all of plated gold.

The million-dollar deal that dad just signed,
Means dad will be away a longer time.
Mom finds comfort in another's embrace,
I know because she's never home on Sundays.

I have a pretty looking older sister,
Who's grown up in front of the mirror.
Falling in love with her own face over time,
Not a smart thought from her since I was nine.

I bumped into myself last week at a corner,
I turned away without a word, I was a stranger.
But we show the world the plastic smiles we sew,
The Perfect Family act, right on cue.

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